Dear Parents and Guardians,
Box Tops is all about the difference 1 can make. This year, our goal is to raise $ 2,000.00 for Here are three easy, everyday ways you can help:
Clip — Clip the Box Top from hundreds of participating products and send them to school. Each one is worth 10¢ when our school redeems them from Box Tops for Education.
Shop online — Shop at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace® (boxtops4education.com/marketplace). Up to 15 eBoxTops™ per $10 spent on qualifying purchases is automatically donated to our school, at no additional cost to you. Plus, you’ll get exclusive Box Tops deals and discounts!
Read — Buy books online through the Reading Room, a partnership between Box Tops and Barnes and Noble. Our school receives up to 6 eBoxTops per $10 spent on qualifying purchases.
Sign up –– It’s easy and free. Sign up to support our school at boxtops4education.com, where you can:
See how much our school is earning with Box Top
Enter online promotions for chances to win Bonus Box Tops and other prizes
Print money-saving coupons for your favorite Box Tops brands
Make mealtime easier with family-pleasing recipes
You can also sign up for Box Tops email newsletters that will keep you updated on the program, and for Marketplace newsletters with Box Tops members-only deals and discounts.
To learn more, visit boxtops4education.com—and thanks for choosing to make a difference for our school with Box Tops!
My coke rewards: Supporting all the ways kids play. www.mycokerewards.com/schools
What is My Coke Rewards for Schools?
For more than 80 years, Coca-Cola has supported schools and contributed resources that help create opportunities for students. The My Coke Rewards for Schools program refreshes this commitment by helping schools get the resources, supplies and equipment they need.
How does the program work?
With My Coke Rewards for Schools, parents, friends and other members of the community can support local schools every time they enjoy participating Coca-Cola beverages. With My Coke Rewards, all you have to do to put your school in play is:
Spread the word: let the community know your school is participating and encourage donations
Collect points: parents, friends and neighbors can donate points directly to your school online or turn in your rewards caps to the school on box tops collection days.
Remember…even small point contributions can lead to great things for schools.
PTO Redeems points online through the Rewards Catalog or Wish List to support PE and instructional material. They ship to the school and its Free Shipping!
Put your school’s points to good use and let the fun begin. The rewards available to your school can help create new opportunities for students. Save up your points for one big reward or use them in smaller amounts for several rewards throughout the year – it’s up to you and your school.
For more information on the My Coke Rewards for Schools program go to mycokerewards.com/schools.
Campbell Labels: www. Labelsforeducation.com
About Labels for Education®
Labels for Education® is a fun and easy program where families and members of the community work together towards a common goal — “Earn Free Stuff” for their school!
The PTO conducts fundraisers to help fund for school needs that are not met by tight school budgets. We help the school with purchasing items needed that are on our annual budget goals such as sound system, security cameras, awnings, enrichment materials and more. We step in where and when there is a need. Your support big & small, makes a huge difference in what we can do for the students, staff & school.