Jump Start
A transition program, Jump Start provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with the middle school environment. Some of the program activities include the first piece of building relationship through meeting the school administrators and some of their teachers. Students are also provided the opportunity to go through the process of changing classes, to develop an understanding of what those classes are about, as well as, learn how to open their lockers.
One hundred percent of all students who enter middle school deserve the right to complete middle school on track, transition to high school successfully and graduate from high school college and career ready. The high school diploma is the bare minimum credential necessary to have a fighting chance in the workforce of today’s society. (www.silentepidemic.org, 2008).
Students participating in the program remain on track academically with t
For more information, please contact the RMS Guidance Dept. at tami.lightner@cmcss.net or rhea.nicholson@cmcss.net for more details.