Monday, December 19, 2011
Order Your Yearbooks Online!


When the competition is announced, more information will be provided on the news site.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Sites & Sounds from RMS Band X-Mas Concert: Part II
Mr. Ansberry and the entire RMS Band would like to thank all of the students, parents & members of the community for coming out to RMS and supporting the love of music during this holiday season. All shows went by pretty well & it was nice to see the support and encouragement from the Rossview Community. Here are a couple of photos & scenes from Tuesday ev
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Sites & Sounds from the RMS Band X-mas Concert: Part I
Mr. Ansberry and the entire RMS Band would like to thank all of the students, parents & members of the community for coming out to RMS and supporting the love of music during this holiday season. All shows went by pretty well & it was nice to see the support and encouragement from the Rossview Community. Here are a couple of photos & scenes from Tuesday evening (12/13/11).
Monday, December 12, 2011
RMS Basketball at. Kenwood Middle: 3rd Away Game

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very rough game against Richview Middle School on Dec. 7th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with the 3rd away game against Kenwood Middle School on Dec. 12th. Boys are 6-2, Girls are 7-1.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
RMS Basketball in Todd County Basketball Tournament

Rossview Middle School Basketball team takes their talents on the road to Todd County, KY this weekend to participate in the Todd County Tournament. A full weekend of basketball for both the Boys & Girls basketball teams. Come out & support your Hawks.
Friday, December 9th
- 5:30PM: North Drive vs. Rossview (Girls)
- 7:30PM: North Drive vs. Rossview (Boys)
Saturday, December 10th
- 9:00AM: Todd County vs. Rossview (Girls)
- 10:30AM: Todd County vs. Rossview (Boys)
- 12:00PM: South Hopkins vs. Rossview (Girls)
- 1:30PM: South Hopkins vs. Rossview (Boys)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
PTO Ornaments are on available!

The Classic Designed, two-sided, Shatterproof Ornament is delivered individually gift-boxed. A wonderful keepsake to be
- Treasured for years to come!
- Ornament is 3 ¼” in diameter with our school’s mascot.
- The proceeds from this sale directly benefit our school.
- Each Ornament sells for $ 6.00
Hawks Holiday Ornament with Custom Image
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Student Grade:____________________ Phone #: ______________________
Homeroom Teacher: _____________________________________________
Quantity: _________________________
Total Amount: $____________________
Please make all checks Payable to: Middle School Hawks PTO… turn in order form and payment in a sealed envelope to your child’s homeroom teacher and the PTO will deliver upon receipt.
We have a limited amount of 250 total. For Sale until inventory is depleted. PTO will be selling spirit wear, pom-poms and Holiday Ornament at Most Home basketball games or until inventory is depleted.
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Please email us at RVMSPTO@gmail.com or dklucke@charter.net
RMS Basketball at. Richview Middle: 2nd Away Game

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very rough game against Northeast Middle School on Dec. 5th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with the 2nd away game against Richview Middle School on Dec. 5st. Boy
Friday, December 2, 2011
RMS Yearbooks are Now on Sale!

Yearbooks will be sold during Homeroom at the Hawk Hut December 5th thru the 16th. Cost is $35 or you may pay a deposit of $20 with balance due in the Spring. Yearbooks can also be purchased On-line.
RMS Yearbook Staff Needs Your Baby Pics, Students!

RMS Basketball vs. NEMS: 6th Home Game

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very rough game against West Creek Middle School on Dec. 1th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with a 6th home game against Northeast Middle School on Dec. 5st. Boys are 4-2, Girls are 5-1.
- This game will be the last home game until Jan. 2011. Come out and support the Hawks!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
RMS Basketball vs. WCMS: 5th Home Game

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very rough game against Dickson County Middle School on Nov. 28th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with a 5th home game against West Creek Middle School on Dec. 1st. Boys are 4-1, Girls are 4-1.
5th Quarter games will be at 4:45PM (Girls) & 6:00PM (Boys)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
RMS Basketball vs. DCMS: 4th Home Game

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very competitive game against Montgomery Central Middle School on Nov. 17th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with a 4th home game against Dickson County Middle School on Nov. 28th. Boys are 3-0, Girls are 3-0.
5th Quarter games will be at 4:45PM (Girls) & 6:00PM (Boys)
Friday, November 18, 2011
RMS Basketball at New Providence Middle: 11-21-2011

After winning the 1st three home games of the season, the Rossview Hawks travel to New Providence Middle school for their 1st road game of the season. Games start at the same time:
- RMS Girls start at 5:15PM
- RMS Boys start at 6:30PM.
Come out and support the Hawks.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thanksgiving Break: (Nov.23 thru Nov. 25)
Thanksgiving Break (11/23 -11/25)
Every year many students look forward to the Thanksgiving holidays—a few days that students don’t have to worry about classes and class work. It's also the time of the year for Black Friday (1st official day of X-mas shopping), time with family and rest. The entire RMS family wants to wish everyone a safe holiday and can't wait to see you back at RMS on 11/28/2011.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Black History Bowl Tryouts
3rd Season Game vs. MCMS on 11/17/2011

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very competitive game against Kenwood Middle School on Nov. 10th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with a 3rd home game against Montgomery Central Middle School on Nov. 17th. Boys are 2-0, Girls are 2-0.
5th Quarter games will be at 4:45PM (Girls) & 6:00PM (Boys)
- Girls Play @ 5:00PM
- Boys Play @ 6:15PM
Tickets are $3.00.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Cheerleading Camp at WCHS: 11/19/2011
10th Annual Craft Show at RMS
- Place: Sat., Nov. 19, 2011. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in RMS Cafeteria.
- 40 booths of handmade crafts.
- Cost: Admission $1.00 (proceeds benefit Rossview Middle Art Dept).
- Who is invited? Any member of the community that has a love for art.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Rossview Middle School Basketball Schedule: Fall 2011
Date | Match-up | Home/Away |
11/7/2011 | Richview vs. Rossview | Home |
11/10/2011 | Kenwood vs. Rossview | Home |
11/17/2011 | Montgomery Central vs. Rossview | Home |
11/21/2011 | Rossview at New Providence | Away |
11/28/2011 | Dickson Co vs. Rossview | Home |
12/1/2011 | West Creek at Rossview | Home |
12/5/2011 | Northeast at Rossview | Home |
12/8/2011 | Rossview at Richview | Away |
12/12/2011 | Rossview at Kenwood | Away |
1/5/2012 | Rossview at Montgomery Central | Away |
1/9/2012 | New Providence at Rossview | Home |
1/12/2012 | Bye | |
1/19/2012 | Rossview at West Creek | Away |
1/23/2012 | Rossview at Northwest | Away |
Thursday, November 3, 2011
2nd Season Game vs. KMS on 11/10/2011

The RMS Boys & Girls teams played a very competitive game against Richview Middle School on Nov. 7th 2011. Next ,the RMS Hawks continue their season with a 2nd home game against Kenwood Middle School on Nov. 10th.
5th Quarter games will be at 4:45PM (Girls) & 6:00PM (Boys)
- Girls Play @ 5:00PM
- Boys Play @ 6:15PM
Tickets are $3.00.
RMS Basketball Season Begins: Nov. 7th 2011

After a successful showing at the Jamboree, the RMS Hawks start their season with a home game against Richview Middle School on Nov. 7th.
5th Quarter games will be at 4:45PM (Girls) & 6:00PM (Boys)
- Girls Play @ 5:00PM
- Boys Play @ 6:15PM
Tickets are $3.00.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Annual Middle School Basketball Jamboree
Kenwood Middle School on Nov. 1st and games start at 3:30PM.
- RMS Girls play at 4:30PM
- RMS Boys play at 5:15PM
Please come out & support your Hawks in the 2011-2012 Basketball Season.
RMS Parent Teacher Conferences
Rossview Middle School is inviting you out to the main campus for Parent Teacher Conference Night. To be more convenient to the parents, there are two opportunities for parents to attend. Parent Teacher Conferences are on (10/25/2012 & 11/1/2011) from 4:30PM to 7:30PM. If you have any questions, concerns or comments; we encourage parents to come to either of the Parent Teacher Conferences and discuss any concerns or issues with the instructor. We look forward to meeting and seeing you then.
Monday, October 17, 2011
RMS Jr. Civitian Food Drive
Art Club: Interest Meeting
Fall Festival: 10/20/2011

3rd Nine Weeks Report Cards Issued (3/16/2012)
On Wednesday of this week (3/16/2012), the students of Rossview Middle School will be receiving report cards for the 3rd 9 weeks. We encourage parents to look over the grades and the progress of the students and make adjustments to improve on their success of the 4th 9 weeks.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Dancing for Maggie: RMS Dance Team: 10-23-2011

The Rossview Middle School dance team is performing at Dancing for Maddie. They have choreographed their own lyrical dance to Heaven to perform at this event. Tickets if anyone would like to purchase one. Please contact the Dance Team Sponsor for details. The event is on Sunday, Oct. 23, from 5 to 7 at Rossview High School.
Congradulations to the RMS Basketball Teams: 2011-2012

To the student body, tryouts were held this week from Monday-Thursday for both the mens and ladies teams for Rossview Middle School. Competition was fierce and tough, but the selections were made and the list of the individuals who made the roster can be found in two places:
- Front Office
- The Locker Room
We say thank you for all those students who try-out & congratulations to those individuals who made it. 1st Team Practice begins on 10/17/2011.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Picture Day on 10/7/2011
School Picture Day is scheduled for October 7th. Pictures will be taken through PE. Please do not wear the color green due to the digital background. Anyone wearing green will not be permitted to take pictur
RMS Baseball Team: Pre-Season Workouts
RMS: Spirit Week: 9-26 thru 9-30
Wednesday is mismatched day.
Thursday is nerd day.
Friday is color wars = 6th – red, 7th – gold, 8th – black.
Also Pomp-Pomps are on sale in the cafeteria. Show your Hawk Spirit and cheer on the Hawks!